The Notification Center gives you information about product updates, new features etc so that you can keep up-to-date with SpreadsheetConverter. If you follow us in other ways, you can turn the Notification Center off.

Imagine that you just spent fifteen hours trying to solve a problem that has a better solution in the next version of SpreadsheetConverter – dull, hey? The Notification Center automatically informs you about new features, program releases, tips and tricks from the SpreadsheetConverter server. This helps you understand what you are missing in your current installation.

Here is an example of a live banner giving you a message about SpreadsheetConverter.


The way you use the Notification Center is simple:

  • Read next: Moves on to the next message.
  • Read later: Hides the live banner temporarily. It reappears the next time you start Excel.
  • Dismiss: Hides the Notification Center permanently. To make the Notification Center visible again, reactivate it in Preferences > Show Notification Center in Task pane.
